Discover the power of expert perspectives in driving brand evolution. Our blog offers enriching insights into marketing, branding, behaviour science and innovative strategies. Expand your knowledge and fuel your brand's growth journey with Ainoa.
The Hidden Emotions Behind Words: Here’s How Words Can Make or Break Your Marketing Messages
Ever wondered why certain product descriptions lure you in? It's the power of words and their hidden emotional undertones! In our latest article, we delve into linguistics and marketing—revealing strategies for crafting compelling content that resonates. Learn about the crucial difference between denotation and connotation, and the subconscious impact of your word choices.
Discover the secret to effective marketing communication and unlock the potential of your brand's messaging.
How AI copywriting tools will impact your marketing
AI was the hot topic in marketing in 2022 across all the conferences we attended. In 2023, it is clear that more and more companies are using AI to increase their efficiency. If you weren't already using AI in 2022, you might have been at a disadvantage to your competitors.
Picasso Celebration 1973-2023: 50th anniversary of Picasso’s death
Ainoa has been privileged to work together with Turespaña, Spanish Tourist Office in Helsinki and was invited to the presentation of the Picasso Celebration 1973-2023: 50th anniversary of Picasso’s death.